“Making systems work is the great task of my generation of physicians and scientists. But I would go further and say that making systems work – whether in health care, education, climate change, making a pathway out of poverty – is the great task of our generation as a whole.” – Atul Gawande
We cultivate a space for improvement science in public education. Our center for anchor schools ensures that we are continuously improving our effectiveness, sharing our knowledge with other educators, learning from our partner schools, partnering with local higher education institutions, and engaging in authentic participatory action research with our community.
School Improvement Process
Our commitment to the Carnegie Foundation model of rapid improvement cycles gives us a model of continuous improvement. We incorporate Plan, Do, Study, and Act (PDSA) cycles into our planning processes, informed by the conversations we have with our community. Our school improvement process ensures that we are rigorously planning for positive change, executing the plan with fidelity, studying the efficacy of the plan, and acting with transparency to share the outcomes with our community.
Collaborative Evaluations
Our commitment to collaborative evaluations ensures that we are assessing the quality of our programming towards our mission and vision with members of our school community.
Research & Development
Our commitment to a fellowship program ensures that we are generating knowledge for the benefit of our school community and other communities who want to learn from our ongoing Research & Development work.
Sharing Knowledge
Our commitment to be a partner with other learning communities ensures that we are positioned to share the knowledge we gain with those who want to build similar practices in their context.